Sunday, April 8, 2012

Organizational Learning Objective

My organizational learning objective is to get my Institutional Review Board (IRB) approved so I can start my process of interviewing participants for my thesis. The reason for choosing this topic as an organizational learning objective, is because I honestly need some inspiration/kick in the pants to get this process complete so I may graduate. My plan of attack will consist of receiving final approval from the chair of my committee and although this may seem like a simple task, it has proved to be more challenging than I expected. By this time next week I will hopefully have agreement not only on the IRB approval but the consent form, which seems to be the most problematic process. Since I will be interviewing several participants, I have to think of every possible scenario so that the participants will remain protected, physically, spiritually and mentally.

The items needed to complete my objective are:
  1. Get chair approval of methodology, IRB, consent form and release consent form;
  2. Get thesis committee approval of thesis and IRB submission;
  3. Recieve IRB approval from Belmont University;
  4. Send out e-mail invitations;
  5. Set interview appointments;
  6. Start interviewing participants.

1 comment:

  1. Jay,…….When I was going through the process of getting my Thesis approved, my advisor did everything possible to advise me NOT to choose a topic where I had to use an IRB. I thought it was interesting that the advice I got was so strongly to avoid the whole process. But in retrospect, now that I am in the midst of the project, I glad I did not. In my case for a topic I choose working with English Language Learners in Nashville Public Schools. I’ve worked one-on-one with a few kids and have learned a lot about them, but as this project has progressed, I am glad that I don’t have that additional pressure.

    I stumbled around attempting to find a Science topic to use for my Thesis, but after subbing in Metro Schools and being around so many immigrants that are learning English, I really found some direction. ELL will be the way of the future. With the number of immigrants that are now living in our country, by the year 2050, Minorities will be the Majorities of the population, of which we (white, non-Hispanic, with a little Indian too) will be one of the many that will eventually just be part of the Brown landscape………………………interesting stuff…thanks for the post….. tsw
