Sunday, April 22, 2012

PLN Visualization Update 3

I have started to develop some contacts with other administrators through LinkedIn and we have started dialogue on specific processes that will hopefully aid in the process of streamlining. Since Belmont's Registrar's Office is one of the best in country, every step I can take in improving student/administration relations will not only continue to give Belmont credibility but also pave the way for other institutions to follow. We are trend setters, which is amazing considering the size of the office compared to the number of students. In reality, each member in our office is responsible for 1,000 students each. We are breaking new ground in ways to handle veterans who wish to pursue an education after they have been discharged from the service, the way students and advisors can keep track of performance as well as their position towards graduating.


  1. I decided to create a linkedin account on my own time just to see what comes out of it since I am applying for jobs. I am wondering if you could encourage veterans to create a linkedin account. I think students in college and coming out of college would have a lot of good connections by using linkedin. I don't know if you have any influence in that, but I think it would be a great way for them to connect with others. It would also give people the chance to find possible jobs. I like that linkedin is a type of online resume and that there is a way to connect with others.

  2. An apology might be due, it was not my intent to challenge you about your conviction to tie in to your heritage, but if so, please know that my intent was to offer a point of perspective. I too have a few drops of Indian protein in my DNA, but it would be parts per billion. I am more of a person who looks forward and view things from the here and tomorrow. But, thank you for the more up-to-date awareness and enlightenment.
